Poetry & Stories

A collection of poems and stories I've made

Letter to a chicken

February 28 2009, 6:32 AM

Dear chicken,

I’m sorry that you had to be killed,

For the chicken burger I had today,

It’s a shame your pain was traded,

For my joy.

But the way that mayonnaise mixed,

With the way that lettuce crunched,

With the way those buns sank in my mouth,

With the way your tasty, warm, succulent, juicy,

Meat rolled off my tongue,

And down my throat,

Into my stomach,

Doesn’t make me as sorry.

But believe me, when I say I’m sorry,

For not being as sorry,

As I could be.

Sincerely yours,


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Sable et poussière

February 25 2009, 6:53 AM

J’ai la fatigue d’une bête égarée dans le désert,

Assoiffée d’une soif que l’on ne peut étancher,

Mes pupilles à moitié clos par manque d’un sommeil

Qu’avec certitude j’apprécierai.

L’épuisement m’étrangle comme une chemise trop serrée,

Et je ne vois plus qu’à travers de petites fentes,

Car mes yeux ramollies par les jeux de la vie,

Ne sont plus ce qu’ils étaient.

À présent je ne vois ni neige, ni pluie, ni soleil,

Car les ténèbres sont ma seule lumière,

Dans un monde où même le mirage d’un mirage,

Ne peut être autre qu’un demi-frère.

Ainsi je trottine sur les dunes entassées,

Condamné à errer pour l’éternité,

Dans un monde où tout n’est que vanité,

Sable et poussière poussés par le vent.

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I remember

May 15 2008, 2:14 PM

            I remember the time when, I was a young child,

With a wood block in one hand, and a stick in the other,

With my eyes on the gadget, my ears tuned to my peers,

I recall the harmony of the music we played,


            I remember the events that happened next,

The tune got out of hand, as some failed to synchronize,

We attempted to get back to the paradise we’d created,

As we reminisced on the beauty that we knew we could make,


            I remember how we managed to get back on our feet,

Our instruments went hand in hand as the teacher helped us,

For the rest of the lesson, there was an atmosphere of bliss,

And the song we played will always be in my memory.

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Things lost

May 15 2008, 2:01 PM

I wish I could see, the people I’ve seen,

And the places I’ve been, but these have all passed,

I wish I could feel, the relationships,

And kisses on lips, but these do not last,

So here I am now, with tears in my mind,

Since time is unkind, while it passes me by,

And I find myself wanting, to see them once more,

Coz my heart is still sore, from our previous good-bye,

But there’s no time to cry, it’s all in the past,

So I move on real fast, but there’s nowhere to go,

In my heart I say no, she will not be the last,

God will give me one other, who can fill up this void,

So do not be paranoid, she will come in her time,

But my brain is still sore, from our previous good-bye,

She was not mine, and yet had a way, of saying hi,

There was affection, such motion, expressed with emotion,

Such a feeling of closeness, with one of God’s creation,

So completing, so fulfilling, and yet also clean,

Nothing sexual, nothing hurtful, and not a thing mean,

There was honesty, modesty, with some anger and lies,

But these came from misunderstanding, and intended no harm,

One man, one woman, God taught me from above,

The unspoken delicacies, of Platonic Love,

So in my sadness and wishes, I look to God’s riches,

Which are not found when looked for, but are present when asked for,

The delights of life, which help us adore,

The Provider, so I thank Him, from the heart of my core,

By His grace indeed, I will have them once more.

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A little baby

May 15 2008, 1:57 PM

There once was a time, when I was in the crib,

Of the one who kept me, being short of one rib,

When compared to the man, to the masculine figure,

Who was my father on earth, although another was bigger,

And another was smaller, I talk of none but myself,

At a time when I was tinier, than the tiniest shelf,

I could neither talk nor walk, I could hardly move,

I was fixed in a prison, which never failed to soothe,

My nerves as I lied, in a new hostile world,

Where the furniture and toys, were like huge creatures,

In my mind which would twirl, from a state of rest,

To a state of unrest, as these lifeless features,

Seemed to threaten my sanity, into insanity itself,

Though there was one person, I could rely on, for help,

She could feed me and nurse me, at the ringing of a yelp,

I was dependent on she, who brought me to this place,

This place of shapes and colours, which I could not explain,

This scope of existence, which I had yet to embrace,

In my subconscious and conscious, in the midst of all the pain,

Which comes with helplessness, with confusion and loss,

Which comes with the acceptance, that I’m no longer the boss,

Of my climate, my setting, and my surroundings,

This place where dad’s king, and where mommy’s the queen,

Ever since I came on earth, not knowing how long it’s been,

Since my last meal, such thirst, but the attachment is stronger,

Between myself, and my mother every time the breast flashes,

Finding myself being nourished, hunger crumbling to ashes,

Sense of comfort coming back, every time that the manure

Is wiped off, my ass is clean, all that mass just felt so mean,

Sense of wonder as I see, things get smaller below me,

As my brother lifts me up, giving me a bird’s eye view,

Of the world which is my room, in my mind the joy will bloom,

Into bliss, all was good, all was easy as they stood,

All round me, all was nearly, fully misunderstood,

In that mind of mine but hey, all was blessed I have to say,

Life was food and fun and wonder, each and every single day,

Mixed with fears and much confusion, but I know things were okay,

Coz I now look back, after looking at the present,

And I know they did well, God gave me a real present,

By sticking me in this place, so just ponder, and maybe,

You’ll see what life was like, when I was a little baby.

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  • Male
  • 21 years old


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Last update Oct 13, 2010