Poetry & Stories

A collection of poems and stories I've made

Poem illustrating a feeling; can you guess which

May 15 2008, 1:36 PM

Relentless, merciless heat asphyxiating skin,

The swirling of dust clinging to sweating nostrils,

Harsh intakes and outtakes of gases,

The reluctance of taking another step,

A heart eager for retirement,

The lowering of the head, the slowing of footsteps…

A fresh breeze,

The craning of the skull at a familiar smell,

The widening of eyes at a familiar sight,

The shuffling of hopeful feet,

The vultures’ disappointment,

Finally, the falling of tired knees,

An utterance to the God of Classical Theism,

Gurgles, gurgles, gurgles,

An audible sigh,

The wide stretching of lip muscles.

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'I mistook you for my wife'

May 15 2008, 1:33 PM

Feet shuffled over to the superstore,

And a pig was bumped into.

Such was the deduction, because indeed,

Hands closed uninvited onto one’s buttocks,

An exclamation of surprise, of anger,

The twist of a facial expression,

A public explosion, eyes opened wide,

A punch on an unfortunate nose,

An apology as a tomato took form,

On a face’s exterior, light red,

And the following words were heard,

‘I mistook you for my wife’.

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Think of a tree

May 15 2008, 1:26 PM

Think of a tree

Stretching its legs in its hunger

Filtering water in its greed.

Think of a tree

Bending its back in its comfort

Claiming its right to be free

Think of a tree

Moving its branches in its joy

While growing as it should be

But think of a tree

Screaming aloud in its agony

Wondering what is its destiny

Think of a tree

Being ruthlessly hacked up by axes

And carried away in its pain

Think of a tree

Burning up on a high chimney

Until nothing is left of the tree

Think of a tree

Who once was alive and grew freely

Although now there is nothing left,

Agree not to disagree,

That we are and will be,

As is and once was,

The tree.

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Manure on his shoe

May 15 2008, 1:21 PM

There once was a man, who had a bad day,

He also smelled bad, so his wife couldn’t stay,

He cried like a woman, and begged like a dog,

But she’d already left after calling him a frog,

He took it personally, and moved to the city pond,

But it was occupied, by this dude called James Bond,

So the man was astonished, and asked for an autograph,

But James Bond was mad, coz he’d just disturbed his bath,

So he spat on him once, and shot at him twice,

And asked if he could get him some beef fried rice,

But the other man said no, because he had not been nice,

So James Bond got out the pond, gave him a head butt,

And he threw himself on him, with his eyes wide shut,

The other man got scared, so he tried to escape,

And James Bond was too slow, so he had a piece of steak,

The other man was hungry, so he came back for some food,

And then he saw James’ gun, and he knew that he was screwed,

But the man was clumsy, and somehow shot himself,

And as he lay dying, he pointed to a shelf,

So the other man left him, and took a closer look,

He found a note lying, right on top of a book,

He took the note and read it, and tears began to cover,

His face because this is what it said: “I am your brother”

But the truth is they were tears of laughter, coz his brother was now dead,

And he could now take his brother’s wife, who could bake some real nice bread,

So he made his way with a smile on his face, but he stepped on James Bond’s gun,

And triggered it by mistake, a bullet came in his face, and he fell down in the sun,

The two were shortly buried, and the wives remarried, and this story’s in fact not true,

To think it was all due, because the man never knew, he had manure on his shoe.

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Spitting on Christ

May 15 2008, 1:19 PM

We’re not doing our missions but proclaim ourselves Christians,

We fail to do what’s holy, while we slip away slowly,

Day after day, we do what we know's wrong,

This for the sake of looking good, and strong,

Day after day, behind closed doors,

We spit on God’s face, and mine, and yours,

We sleep and wake up, feeling nice and fresh,

And again we fall into the deeds of the flesh,

My brothers, my sisters... why is this so?

Have we indeed forgotten what we already know?

God will judge us whether we’re black or white,

So for our own sake, shouldn’t we start acting right?

I look to my left and I see nothing left...

I look to my right and I see nothing right,

All these things make me want to cry at night,

Coz Christians are spitting on Christ (me included)...

We look at the Bible, but give it a frown,

If we are not careful, like Peter we’ll drown,

I see people lusting other people in town,

Which results in people, getting their heads down,

Some steal, some deal, some kill for a cold meal,

Are we so blind to see, that we’re spinning the wrong wheel?

And some wear clothes, that fail to conceal,

Our God-given assets we often reveal,

Indulging our bodies with sexual things,

How long will we let Satan, pull at our strings?

God looks from above, disappointment on His face,

And says to Himself "shame on the human race".

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  • Male
  • 21 years old


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Last update Oct 13, 2010