Poem illustrating a feeling; can you guess which (go back »)

May 15 2008, 1:36 PM

Relentless, merciless heat asphyxiating skin,

The swirling of dust clinging to sweating nostrils,

Harsh intakes and outtakes of gases,

The reluctance of taking another step,

A heart eager for retirement,

The lowering of the head, the slowing of footsteps…

A fresh breeze,

The craning of the skull at a familiar smell,

The widening of eyes at a familiar sight,

The shuffling of hopeful feet,

The vultures’ disappointment,

Finally, the falling of tired knees,

An utterance to the God of Classical Theism,

Gurgles, gurgles, gurgles,

An audible sigh,

The wide stretching of lip muscles.

In Poetry


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  • 21 years old


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