I remember (go back »)

May 15 2008, 2:14 PM

            I remember the time when, I was a young child,

With a wood block in one hand, and a stick in the other,

With my eyes on the gadget, my ears tuned to my peers,

I recall the harmony of the music we played,


            I remember the events that happened next,

The tune got out of hand, as some failed to synchronize,

We attempted to get back to the paradise we’d created,

As we reminisced on the beauty that we knew we could make,


            I remember how we managed to get back on our feet,

Our instruments went hand in hand as the teacher helped us,

For the rest of the lesson, there was an atmosphere of bliss,

And the song we played will always be in my memory.

In Poetry


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  • 21 years old


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