Things lost (go back »)

May 15 2008, 2:01 PM

I wish I could see, the people I’ve seen,

And the places I’ve been, but these have all passed,

I wish I could feel, the relationships,

And kisses on lips, but these do not last,

So here I am now, with tears in my mind,

Since time is unkind, while it passes me by,

And I find myself wanting, to see them once more,

Coz my heart is still sore, from our previous good-bye,

But there’s no time to cry, it’s all in the past,

So I move on real fast, but there’s nowhere to go,

In my heart I say no, she will not be the last,

God will give me one other, who can fill up this void,

So do not be paranoid, she will come in her time,

But my brain is still sore, from our previous good-bye,

She was not mine, and yet had a way, of saying hi,

There was affection, such motion, expressed with emotion,

Such a feeling of closeness, with one of God’s creation,

So completing, so fulfilling, and yet also clean,

Nothing sexual, nothing hurtful, and not a thing mean,

There was honesty, modesty, with some anger and lies,

But these came from misunderstanding, and intended no harm,

One man, one woman, God taught me from above,

The unspoken delicacies, of Platonic Love,

So in my sadness and wishes, I look to God’s riches,

Which are not found when looked for, but are present when asked for,

The delights of life, which help us adore,

The Provider, so I thank Him, from the heart of my core,

By His grace indeed, I will have them once more.

In Poetry


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  • 21 years old


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